Lifting the Veil of Polygamy

Lifting the Veil of Polygamy DVD

Lifting the Veil of Polygamy

Is polygamy simply a relic of Mormonism’s past, a component of fringe sects today…or is there more going on than meets the eye?

When Brigham Young led his Mormon followers westward, polygamy was taught as doctrine…not as an option, but as a requirement for exaltation. Joseph Smith had proclaimed it to be an everlasting covenant, a commandment from God Himself.

In spite of the modern LDS church’s prohibition of the practice, tens of thousands of Joseph Smith’s followers across North America continue the practice of plural marriage to this day…out of obedience to the revelations and commandments of a self-proclaimed prophet of God.

Today, the mainstream LDS Church seeks to distance itself from its peculiar “fundamentalist” cousins who adhere to the original teachings of Mormonism, including polygamy. Nevertheless, many mainstream Latter-day Saints who seek to follow Joseph Smith more faithfully, find themselves moving into Mormon fundamentalism…and plural marriage.

So what draws them in? And what keeps them? And what hope is there for those men, women and children—fundamentalist and mainstream alike—who strive to please God while living under the bondage of an impossible Mormon “gospel”?

By their fruits ye shall know them. This documentary examines the roots of Joseph Smith’s legacy, and its modern-day fruit. We follow the compelling testimonies of nine former fundamentalists, who shed light on this practice and lifestyle which has been shrouded in secrecy since the earliest days of Mormonism; but more importantly, they share the true freedom thety have found in Jesus Christ of the Bible. 

This is an excellent gospel message from those who were caught in the hopeless works-based polygamist religion.

Living Hope Ministries production.

83 minutes run time.  

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